Wednesday, June 24, 2009


There is a beautiful lake in western North Carolina called Santeetlah. I made two boat camping trips there this Spring. The first with my friends Dan and Doug in Dan's small motor boat and the second with Jamie in a canoe.  We had perfect weather on both trips. Lots of relaxing and fishing.

 TRIP #2:

Jamie and the mighty Montero getting ready to launch.

Nice campsite! Photo by Jamie.

Largemouth Bass. Photo by Jamie.

Catawba Rhododendreon. Photo by Jamie.

Jamie relaxing on "The Sittin Rock".

The view of Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest from our campsite.

Graveyard dating back to the early 1800's near our campsite.

TRIP #1:

Dan doing some sunrise fishing.

Moonrise. Shot from the boat on the way back to camp after evening fishing.

Evening Panoramic.

The magic lure!

Beautiful spring color.

A nice Largemouth Bass.

A Bald Eagle nest. Shot from our campsite.