Wednesday, December 10, 2008


OK, time for vacation pics. Jamie and I spent Thanksgiving backpacking on Cumberland Island off the coast of south Georgia. We were joined by my brother, his wife and my two nephews. It was my fourth time on the island and every trip has just been awesome! I highly recommend it.

Jamie on the ferry ride over.

Jamie walking to the beach.

My brother David on the trail.

Jamie hiking up the beach. Notice how crowded it is.

Horseshoe Crab.

Jamie took this one at the campsite.

Not a bad campsite huh?


Wild Horses.

Jamie and I taking a break.

Live Oak and Spanish Moss.

Me kicking it old school on the beach.

I want to be free.

Armadillo Jumping.

Armadillo Running.

Jeremiah, David, Robin & Nathaniel

Again, notice how crowded?


Last shot. From the Riverside Hotel balcony in St. Mary's, Georgia

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